Recording Studio

Twiimbilane studio update

 "Oceans are filled by rivers, rivers by streams and streams by rivulets" so the saying goes.
As Twiimbilane graciously recieves the left hand guitar from a kind Austrian woman, Twiimbilane is growing. This gesture sends a big message to the artists and people of Binga - that there are people out there who realise their needs and not only sympathise but act to create an ocean that Twiimbilane hopes to be one day.

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Binga music-recording studio re-opened!

 The Binga music-recording studio (proposed to be called TWIIMBILANE STUDIO - "Let's sing for each other") re-opened after installing a second music computer in February. Interviews for trainees were held and Patience Munkuli, the only girl that applied is to start on a free computer training as part of the course.

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