Sinazongwe ITC close to establishment

During AZFA´s visit across the waters to the Zambian side twenty-two participants from Sinazongwe Basic School staff, PTA, community, Ministry of education and guests attended a stakeholders meeting. A Management Committee has been set up under Parents Teachers Association (PTA) and electric power installation has been done in the entire block and burglar bars have been put up. 

Chief Sinazongwe introduced and welcomed the Tonga.Online Project and the IT trainer, Theophorah Sianyuka to Sinazongwe. He offered his vehicle to pick up the PCs from Lusaka airport to Sinazongwe ITC. Peter Kuthan indicated he is waiting for a green light from the school to start sending the 15 PCs as soon as the ceiling and an air conditioning system, additional furniture and painting are complete and in place. The project motto, "ACCESS FOR ALL", remains the same goal also across the waters.

Meanwhile the Sinazongwe community has confirmed the near completion of ceiling fittings to the computer lab. AZFA is preparing to send a consignment of 15 computers via airfreight to Sinazongwe to complete this year’s major effort of establishing the Tonga.Online Zambian extension. Thanks to the Zambian partners, the Honourable Chief Sinazongwe, Mrs. Monica Shinkanga, Community Youth Concern (CYC) and Mrs. Heather Chalcraft in Lusaka for offering valuable assistance with importation and transport.

David Mungomba
Tonga.Online Project Coordinator Binga