Visit of African rap poet Lesego Rampolokeng / coverage on Ö1, ORF

LOOK AND LISTEN  - forthcoming events / Austrian side
--> 22th May at 8 o´clock p.m. : the South African rap poet LESEGO RAMPOLOKENG from Soweto, at the Landesmuseum/ Schloßmuseum Linz;
Lesego Rampolokeng is author of "Horns for Hondo" (1990) and world famous "Faustus in Africa" for Handspring Puppet Company; in 1993 he released his CD "End Beginnings" in collaboration with the legendary "Kalahari Surfers";
His new program "Notes from a Roach" is challenging the concept of a "Rainbow Nation" and refers to persistent racism (not only) in his country;

--> 16th May at 6 o´clock p.m.: Guided TOUR through the exhibition "Tracing the rainbow - live and culture in Southern Africa" at the Landesmuseum / Schloßmuseum Linz by Dr. Walter Sauer from SADOCC; with his LECTURE " Current developments in 'post Mandela' South Africa" later on at 7 p.m.

--> 16th May at 8 minutes to 8 o'clock a.m.: LEPORELLO SPECIAL on Ö1 / ORF morning radio program about TONGA.ONLINE and Sigi Finkel´s ZIM tour; from Robert Bilek who visited Zimbabwe and Binga area in April;